Multi location inventory accounting

We learned how to track received and shipped goods . Now we'll learn how to accurately determine where your product lies in your company. You'll save a lot of time knowing this information.

Add storage locations to your inventory system

You can store your goods in different locations in warehouses,store rooms and shelves. However, you should always know where they are.How your inventory system will help you?
First, we should add all locations in the form Company&Locations. Select in the left menu the item Lists-Company&Locations and click on the toolbar button New. Enter a name of your location and click on the OK button.You can add several locations and even add child storage location in the warehouse. You should define such locations as sublocation of the big warehouse.

You can use these locations in item receipts or invoices. If you are receiving goods to the Warehouse#1 you have to select it in the drop down Location list at the Item Receipt Form. If you shipped goods from the Warehouse#2 you have to define this location at the Invoice Edit form.

If you don't see the Location field click on the Options button and set the check box Location at the Screen options form.

.You can find out where any thing are using the Item edit form. Open the list of items, find the item and double click on it. Then click on the button On Hand and you will see the list of locations with this product.

There are other ways to see the location of the products in your warehouses. Open the Company&Locations form and select any location.Then, double click on it. You'll see all items in this warehouse.Or you can use the Report section of program.

Next step

We will know how to track transfers of goods between warehouses in your company with the inventory system.
February, 05 2025

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