How to create a Barcode labels.
A barcode is a pattern of black bars with white spaces below which are numbers. The numbers are encoded in the symbol and uniquely identify the product. There are many types of barcodes UPC,EAN,Code39,Code93,Code128.
In order for your company to print own UPC barcode symbols, you will need to become a member of GS1 US Partner Connections. Your company will be assigned an identification number -company prefix. You will use this number to create your own UPCs. And you can create own barcodes using Code39 within the company.
Why do we need a barcode ? It's a combination of numbers and letters uniquely identifies the goods lying in your warehouse. You can select any system for your barcodes. For example, you have computer hardware and furniture in your warehouse. You can define the 123 prefix for hardware and the 125 prefix for furniture and you can decide to use for numbering of items 6-digit numbers. So you set for a monitor the barcode 123000001 and the barcode 125000001 for a chair.If you receive a keyboard to your warehouse you define it to the code 123000002 and if you get an office table then assign the code 125000002 to it. And so on.
What should we do with these codes? We have to eneter your codes in the field Barcode at the Item Edit form.
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In the next step, we will study how to apply a bar code scanner in our system.February, 05 2025
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